Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Binding Dropdownlist (User Id and User Name) using LINQ

The below query will pull all active users from a specific role ("administrator" in my example). The query is written on top of Membership and Authentication schema provided by ASP.NET.

My enviornment: VS2008 Beta 2.

LinqClasses.ServiceProviderDataContext context = new LNMT.LinqClasses.ServiceProviderDataContext();
var list = from s in context.aspnet_Users
join userMem in context.aspnet_Memberships on s.UserId equals userMem.UserId
join userRole in context.aspnet_UsersInRoles on s.UserId equals userRole.UserId
join roleMas in context.aspnet_Roles on userRole.RoleId equals roleMas.RoleId
where userMem.IsLockedOut == false && userMem.IsApproved == true && roleMas.LoweredRoleName == "administrator"
orderby s.UserName
select new { s.UserId, s.UserName };

//Binding to Dropdown list

DropDownList1.DataSource = list;
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "UserId";
DropDownList1.DataTextField = "UserName";
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, "All"); // will insert All at the top of the list.
DropDownList1.AutoPostBack = true; // this is if you need to reload the page on change.

This is based on join statement on standard tables provided by ASP.NET Role and Membership. Hope will be useful for some.


Property Buying Tips

This is specially for NRIs thinking about investing in India :)

Customers can buy properties from multiple sources:

1. Direct from Builder
2. From Property Dealer
3. From an Individual

Generic Tips:

First come first.. make sure the property you are buying is genuine and it exists :) [no Khosla ka Ghosla trap.. remember.. that happens :)]

Cricket in Seattle, Redmond, Bellevue & Issaquah

Home away from home.. well.. this is what an ardent cricket fan feels in the state of WA.

Whether you play Hard Tennis Ball or Leather or Tape Tennis Ball.. whether you like to play in Snow or Rain or just Sun-shine.. whether you like to play on artificial turf, football ground with crazy boundaries.. you are kid or grown up.. guy or a girl... and did I ask??? Yes, whether you are a girl or a guy... you have cricket for everyone.

There are ~20 cricket teams playing leather ball cricket ( and about 80-90 (yes you read it correct) Hard Tennis Ball team ( There are about 6 women cricket teams ( division W).

Its just fun to be a cricketer in the Northwest region :)

7th Year Extension

You hear about lots of people advising about how its easy to get 7th year H1B extension... well... its easy (in these days??? yeah ) provided you meet this condition:

1. PERM application pending for more than a year (approved/ RFE.. doesnt matter.. the application should be active) on the date when your 6 years expire.

2. You have PERM applition + I-140 approved (does matter if point 1 is satisfied or not).

Welcome to my blog

Well.. its been a while I have been thinking about writing.. not on a particular topic but just random topics, share some experience and stuff like that.

You will get totally random information.. some will be to your liking and some may not be..

Dont forget to provide feedback on my posts.. even if they are crappy :)